Merdeka Celebration 28th Aug 2008

Thanks for all the help and cooperation in working the poster out. All effort were seen and appreciated, though we didn't manage to get the cash price, we knew we created envy. =D
Since, we didn't win the cash price.. Please pay class fund all my fellow course mates.
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mail from SRC:
Dear Batch reps, Hello, and Good Evening, I'm Geowin from SRC. I need your assistance in electing a batch IT representative, This person will be in charge of the electronic equipments in your lecture theater and handles in forwarding all your batch IT complains to me as well as the IT help desk. Also, I need your help in announcing that the IT department is hiring part time workers, and students are allowed to work as well. If anyone is interested, please tell them to email the SRC, or just drop by and let one of us know. The salary and working hours are not confirmed yet. regards, Geowin Solomon IT Liaisons Officer
Summary of the email is : We need to elect a new representative for IT !
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