Thursday, July 2, 2009

announcement :: from SRC 2.7.2009

Hey everyone!

Just a few announcements to make.

Dr Mahathir Dialogue Session
The session is from 9.30am to 11.15am in the Auditorium. Please remind your batchmates that it is compulsory for them to attend the session once they've signed up for it.

Name Tags
To those whose name tag was lost/damaged/ did not receive it at all and have reported the issue to their respective batchreps/SSD, please come to the SRC Office to collect them.

Notice Boards
Our Sports Rep, Mira is in charge of the notice boards. Kindly discuss with her if you are interested in loaning the boards.

Feedback Boards
We have set up a feedback board on the Ground Floor by the escalators. The SRC welcomes any positive feedback or complains that the students might have. However, we highly encourage the students to come to the SRC Office to discuss with us so we can resolve the issue at hand as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

Warmest regards,
Pei Jin
PR Liaison