Thursday, August 27, 2009

Updated Food Prep Manual and Changes in Timetable..

Dear Sing Ean

I am not sure if your class has the edited version for the food prep manual for soups & thickeners practical.
I've attached it here just in case.
Please make sure everyone has the updated version of the food prep lab manual for soups & thickeners (15th Sept 2009).

Please let your class know I have swapped Nutrient & metabolism lectures with Dr Winnie as follows:
29th Sept 10.30-11.30am Macrominerals 1 (Dr Winnie)
30th Sept 10.30-11.30am Macrominerals 2 (Dr Winnie)
30th Sept 11.45-12.45pm Macrominerals 3 (Dr Winnie)
7th Oct 10.30-11.30am Water-soluble vitamins 1 (Ms Goo)
7th Oct 11.45-12.45pm Water-soluble vitamins 2 (Ms Goo)
8th Oct 11.45-12.45pm Water-soluble vitamins 3 (Ms Goo)

---- above is an email from Ms Goo.. i have forwarded the updated version of the food prep manual to everyone.. please check ur mail =) ----

starr *singean